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A sensory adventure where babies and children explore through positive, exciting and nurturing activities that stimulate and awaken their senses.

Our Baby and Toddler Sensory Classes


Little Sparks - up to 6 months.

Our Little Sparks sensory classes are designed to stimulate, engage, nurture and relax your little one through singing, sensory games, instrument play, sensory exploration and relaxing sensory lights and  bubbles.


Spark Shakers - up to 13 months

Our Spark Shakers classes run in a similar manner to Little Sparks as well as focusing on encouraging movement and independence. Sensory exploration, music, instruments, lights and play are still central to each session. 


Spark Movers - 8-36 months

Our Spark Movers classes provides an engaging and stimulating environment encouraging self-exploration and movement developing motor skills and co-ordination whilst continuing to nurture and relax. 


Find out how we can work with you to enhance your Early Years and SEND provision

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